Health Tips Explained
Learn to handle your rabbit correctly. They do love to be pet, but they don't like to be picked up so much. When picking them up, make sure to support their back legs with your arms and hold them close to your body. They have powerful back legs but weaker back bones.
Keep a tidy house for them and remove poop when it's needed. Despite their small size, these rabbits do need a decent amount of space. Many owners choose to keep their rabbit in a cage when they cannot be directly supervised. However, with proper training, you can let your rabbit hop around your house with only occasional supervision. This will require rabbit-proofing your house. This includes picking up anything your rabbit may chew on, including wires and other unsafe items. This is very similar to puppy-proofing.
Rabbits can use litterboxes and should be trained to do so. Many rabbit parents keep their rabbit in their cage and clean the liner. However, this is not as clean as training your bunny to use a litterbox like a cat.
If kept outside, they need parasite and flea prevention so make sure you take them regularly to a veterinarian for check ups and this prevention.
Your rabbit’s cage should be at least large enough for your rabbit to stretch out comfortably, as well as big enough to hold their litter. If your rabbit spends much time in the cage, choose a larger cage. Even if you have very ample time, you will need to provide your rabbit with plenty of exercise time. Outdoor rabbit hutches are also recommended to allow your bunny to spend some time outside hopping around.
Rabbits do eat a portion of their feces. It's called Cecotrope. This is vital for their intestinal health and digestion system as it contains their probiotic bacteria. You will probably never witness this but if they have a dirty, mushy bottom it may indicate a sign of serious disease and veterinary care should be administered quickly.
And when in doubt, consult with your Lops veterinarian. Make sure you locate one that has experience with rabbits.